IIAS Newsletter 47 Spring 2008

The search for security in East Asia

Frans-Paul van der Putten

Crump, Thomas. 2007. Asia-Pacific: A history of empire and conflict. New York: Hambledon Continuum. xv+383 pages. ISBN 978 1 85285 518 5.

Hara, Kimie. 2007. Cold War Frontiers in the Asia Pacific: Divided territories in the San Francisco System. Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series. London and New York: Routledge. xiv+247 pages. ISBN 978 0 415 41208 7

Gill, Bates. 2007. Rising Star: China’s New Security Diplomacy. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution. xii+267 pages. ISBN 978 0 8157 3146 7

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