Transoceanic Creole Stories: Music, Food and Spiritualities
This is an online book talk by Sayan Dey, author of Performing Memories and Weaving Archives (Anthem Press 2023).
It will be delivered online via Zoom from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Amsterdam Time (CET).
The Lecture
Concerning his monograph Performing Memories and Weaving Archives (Anthem Press 2023), Sayan Dey will -socially, culturally and historically- reflect on the evolution and impact of varied forms of socio-cultural practices amongst the South African Indians in South Africa and, vice versa, the African Indians, popularly known as Siddis, in India.
Across different moments of time and space, both these communities have travelled across the Indian Ocean as slaves and indentured labourers to work in plantations, agricultural fields, palaces and in armies. For both communities, the process of physically shifting from one location to another also led to multiple forms of social, cultural, communal and emotional shifts. Eventually, these shifts gave birth to creolized sociocultural practices. Some of these are discussed in the monograph Performing Memories and Weaving Archives by drawing on various forms of song, dance, cooking and worship practised by the Siddis in India and the South African Indians in South Africa.
The Speaker (author)
Sayan Dey is a Bengali. He was born and brought up in Kolkata, and he traces his ancestry to different parts of Bangladesh. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language and Literature at Alliance University, Bangalore. He is also a Faculty Fellow at the Harriet Tubman Institute, York University, Canada. His latest monographs are Green Academia: Towards Eco-friendly Education Systems (Routledge, 2022) and Performing Memories, Weaving Archives: Creolized Cultures across the Indian Ocean (Anthem Press, 2023). His research interests include posthumanism, decolonial studies, environmental studies, critical race studies, culinary epistemologies and critical diversity literacy.
He can be reached via
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