Event — Conference

South Asia and the Long 1930s: Appropriations and Afterlives

This conference is bringing together South Asianists across disciplinary locations who will contextualise the international flow of ideas, commodities and affinities that marked the interwar period, and rethink the afterlives of the 1930s in the unfolding dialectics of decolonisation in South Asia.

Dates: 6 - 7 December 2013

For up-to-date and detailed information, please go to: http://hum.leiden.edu/lias/highlights/south-asia-and-the-long-thirties.html

South Asian Studies at Leiden University are pleased to announce a conference on the theme of “South Asia and the Long 1930s: Appropriations and Afterlives”, to be held 6 and 7 December 2013. Placing a particular focus on the complex forms and terrains of the political, social and cultural currents of 1930s, the conference is bringing together South Asianists across disciplinary locations who will contextualise the international flow of ideas, commodities and affinities that marked the interwar period, and rethink the afterlives of the 1930s in the unfolding dialectics of decolonisation in South Asia.

Conference Day I
Time: 6 December 2013, 8.30-18.00
Venue: Gravensteen, Pieterskerkhof 6, Room 111

Prof. dr. Nira Wickramasinghe, Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS)
Dr. Sanjukta Sunderason, Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS)
Dr. Carolien Stolte, Leiden Institute for History
The conference is designed under the three key themes that bring out the layers, dimensions and fluidities of the period:

A. International Affinities
B. Aesthetics and Politics
C. The Market and the Ordinary

Faculty Roundtable for Day II of ‘South Asia & the Long 1930s’: Making the Unfamiliar Familiar: Stories from the South
Time: 7 December 2013, 13.30–16.30 followed by Reception
Venue: Lipsius, Room 148, Cleveringaplaats 1

Keynote speaker:
Prof. dr. Fred Cooper, New York University, “ Making the Familiar Unfamiliar: Retelling Empire Stories”

With responses from:
Prof. dr. Mirjam de Bruijn, Leiden Institute for History
Prof. dr. Henk Schulte Nordholt, KITLV
Prof. dr. Susan Pennybacker,
Chalmers W. Poston Distinguished Professor of European History, University of North Carolina
Dr. Umar Ryad, Assistant Professor, Leiden Institute for Religious Studies

The conference wishes to gather South Asianists across disciplinary locations and is bringing together scholars who contextualise the international flow of ideas, commodities and affinities that marked the interwar period, and rethink the afterlives of the 1930s in the unfolding dialectics of decolonisation in South Asia.

In order to register for the conference send an email to s.bagchi@hum.leidenuniv.nl on or before 3rd December with following information:
1. name, affiliation
2. registration for Day I or Day II or both
3. whether joining lunches
4. whether joining conference dinner on the 6th (50 Euros payable in cash at the registration desk)

For more information and the conference programme, please visit http://hum.leiden.edu/lias/highlights/south-asia-and-the-long-thirties.html