Event — Other

IIAS National Master's Thesis Prize 2013 Award Ceremony

On behalf of the jury we are pleased to announce the shortlist for the IIAS National Master’s Thesis Prize 2013 in the field of Asian Studies. Everyone is welcome to attend the award ceremony!

On behalf of the jury we are pleased to announce the shortlist for the IIAS National Master’s Thesis Prize 2013 in the field of Asian Studies:

Peter Coles (Leiden University), The impossibility of revolution? An exploration of the Liquid Modern in the works of Murakami Ryu. 

Sanne Mersch (Leiden University), Travelling through time and space with the Kapalamocanamahatmya in the Vayupurana.

Tabitha Speelman (Leiden University), Fast and forward? High-speed rail reform in China and what it costs to whom.

Pim Verweij (University of Amsterdam), Homestay tourism and its impact on the local villager. Critical review of pro-poor tourism programs implemented in Sapa, Vietnam.

These four are in the running for the title Best National Master’s Thesis 2013! The winner will be awarded a 3-month IIAS fellowship to write a PhD project proposal or a research article.

The Master’s Thesis Prize will be officially awarded at a festive meeting that will take place on Tuesday 3 December 2013, from 4.30-6 pm, in the Grandcafe Pakhuis, Doelensteeg 8, Leiden

At 5.00 pm Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt (chairman IIAS Board) will announce the winner of the award.

We hope to see you there, everyone is welcome!

Dr Philippe Peycam

IIAS Director