Framing Asia - a monthly screening of films and documentaries
[CLOSED] Call for anthropological films and documentaries with a special focus on Asia. Filmmakers, both student and professionals, are encouraged to submit. It is no longer possible to submit films.
It is no longer possible to submit films.
Framing Asia was a monthly film screening during the Leiden Asia Year, organised by the KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean), the Leiden University Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology and IIAS.
7 February 2017: two films on the theme of Transgender issues in Indonesia
14 March 2017: two films on the theme of Disaster and the failing state
11 April 2017: two films on the theme of Popcultures and Subcultures
9 May 2017: three films on the theme of Cityscapes: Home and Urbanisation
7 June 2017: three films on the theme of Decolonisation and revolution: veterans and re-enactment
The full programme is also available at: