IIAS publication series

IIAS currently publishes monographs and edited volumes in four series: 'Global Asia', 'Asian Cities', 'Asian Heritages' and the Humanities Across Borders (HAB) Methodologies Book Series.  

Each series has its own editor/s and editorial board. As before, the books are published by Amsterdam University Press (AUP). If you are interested in publishing a book in one of our series, please do not hesitate to contact its editor(s) or the Publication Officer at IIAS.

Earlier series, also published with AUP, included the IIAS and ICAS Publication Series.

Global Asia

Asia has a long history of transnational linkage with other parts of the world. Yet the contribution of Asian knowledge, values, and practices in the making of the modern world has largely been overlooked until recent years. The rise of Asia is often viewed as a challenge to the existing world order. Such a bifurcated view overlooks the fact that the global order has been shaped by Asian experiences as much as the global formation has shaped Asia. The Global Asia Series takes this understanding as the point of departure. It addresses contemporary issues related to transnational interactions within the Asian region, as well as Asia’s projection into the world through the movement of goods, people, ideas, knowledge, ideologies, and so forth. The series aims to publish timely and well-researched books that will have the cumulative effect of developing new perspectives and theories about global Asia.

Publications Officer
Mary Lynn van Dijk

Series Editor
Tak-Wing Ngo, Professor of Political Science, University of Macau, China.

Editorial Board
Kevin HewisonSir Walter Murdoch Distinguished Professor of Politics and International Studies, Murdoch University, Australia.
Loraine KennedyDirectrice de recherché, Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France.
Hagen KooProfessor of Sociology, University of Hawaii, USA.
Guobin YangAssociate Professor, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Asian Cities

The Asian Cities Series explores urban cultures, societies and developments from the ancient to the contemporary city, from West Asia and the Near East to East Asia and the Pacific. The series focuses on three avenues of inquiry: evolving and competing ideas of the city across time and space; urban residents and their interactions in the production, shaping and contestation of the city; and urban challenges of the future as they relate to human well-being, the environment, heritage and public life.

Publications Officer
Mary Lynn van Dijk

Series Editor
Paul Rabé, Coordinator, IIAS Asian Cities Research Cluster and Urban Knowledge Network Asia (UKNA), IIAS, the Netherlands.

Editorial Board

Henco Bekkering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Charles Goldblum,  University of Paris 8, France
Xiaoxi HUI, Beijing University of Technology, China
Stephen LAU, University of Hong Kong
Rita Padawangi, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
R. Parthasarathy, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Gujarat, India
Neha Sami, Indian Institute of Human Settlements, Bangalore, India

Asian Heritages

The Asian Heritages Series explores the notions of heritage as they have evolved from European-based concepts, mainly associated with architecture and monumental archaeology, to incorporate a broader diversity of cultural forms and value. This includes a critical exploration of the politics of heritage and its categories, such as the contested distinction ‘tangible’ and ‘intangible’ heritages; the analysis of the conflicts triggered by competing agendas and interests in the heritage field; and the productive assessment of management measures in the context of Asia.

Publications Officer
Mary Lynn van Dijk

Series Editor
Adèle Esposito, CNRS-Géographie-Cités, France
Michael Herzfeld, Harvard University, USA, and Leiden University, the Netherlands

Editorial Board

Sadiah Boonstra, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), The Netherlands and Melbourne University, Australia
Min-Chin CHIANG, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Yew-Foong HUI, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore
Ronki Ram, Panjab University, India

Humanities Across Borders. A Methodologies Book Series  

The Humanities Across Borders (HAB) book series aims to trigger discussions on the relevance of normative, top down, and institutionalised standards of knowledge production and transmission in the academy. As conventional models and modes of understanding lose their capacity to explain the human condition in the new global era, the multitude of voices, lives, locales, and journeys emerge as windows into the past and present to give a fresh, more expanded meaning to the Humanities. Comprising monographs as well as edited volumes, the HAB book series focuses on methodological experiments and reflections across disciplinary, institutional, ideological, national, and sectoral borders. The titles published in this Series are Open Access publications.

The series will: 

  • Interrogate prevailing, often dominant, conceptual frames and categories. 
  • Posit uncommon entry points to inquiry that bear meaning in the everyday lives of people and are relevant for interrogating wider global issues.
  • View quotidian knowledge-practices as valuable sources of experiential knowledge (and pedagogies) unfolding over time and space. 
  • Encourage dialogue ‘across borders’, in the spirit of inter-cultural scholarship and educational justice. 
  • Seek collaborative institutional and/or programmatic arrangements that re-invigorate the civic embeddedness and global connectedness of university-based curricula.  

Publications Officer
Mary Lynn van Dijk

Series Editors  

Aarti Kawlra, IIAS, the Netherlands 
Philippe Peycam, IIAS, the Netherlands  

Editorial Board  

Wendy Singer, Kenyon College, USA 
Tharapi Than, Northern Illinois University, USA
Dzodzi Tsikata, University of Ghana, Ghana 
Paul van der Velde, IIAS, The Netherlands 
Françoise Vergès, France